If you wonder whether or not you or your former partner are able to relocate with the children, this article will assist you to understand your obligations and options.
Mediation is a way in which parties can negotiate the terms of their separation outside of court. It's usually more amicable and a more cost-effective way to finalise your family law dispute.
As separating couples navigate the family law system, they might hear the term “disclosure” referred to frequently by their lawyer or the Court. In this blog, we look at your duty of disclosure in family law.
When separating from your partner, there are many things you will be turning your mind to; like parenting arrangements if there are children, property settlement and spousal maintenance. Even if you agree on arrangements, it's still worthwhile formalising that agreement.
One of the most interesting parts of my job is hearing all sorts of things that people believe to be true about family law and of course, setting the record straight. In this article, we look to dispel the most common family law myths.
Negotiating and finalising the division of assets, commonly called property settlement, can happen at any time after separation. In this article, we will look at how the future needs of both parties are considered during property settlement negotiations.
For most couples who separate, parenting arrangements and/or property settlements are at the forefront of their mind. But what happens to the family dog, cat or any other pet who was a member of the family unit?
After separation, whether married or in a de facto relationship, at some point you will need to finalise property settlement. Where you can negotiate an amicable, out-of-court settlement, it can save you a lot of time, frustration and money.
Many couples may have no option other than to remain separated under one roof, for a number of reasons including financial, convenience, for children etc. This article provides guidance around managing through a separation under the one roof.